Source code for django_utils.templatetags.debug

from django import template
from django.utils.html import conditional_escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.db import models
import six
import copy
import pprint
import datetime

register = template.Library()

class _Formatter(object):
    formatters_type = {}
    formatters_instance = []

[docs]class Formatter(_Formatter): MAX_LENGTH = 100 MAX_LENGTH_DOTS = 3 def __init__(self, max_depth=3): '''Initialize the formatter with a given maximum default depth :param max_depth: The maximum depth to print ''' self.max_depth = max_depth def _register(*types): '''Register a handler for the given type(s) :param types: The type(s) to handle :return: The unmodified decorated function ''' def _register(func): for type_ in types: _Formatter.formatters_type[type_] = func _Formatter.formatters_instance.append((type_, func)) return func return _register @_register(*six.integer_types)
[docs] def format_int(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format an integer/long :param value: an int/long to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> str(formatter(1, 0)) '1' >>> formatter(1, 1) '1' ''' return value
[docs] def format_str(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format a string :param value: a str value to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> str(formatter('test')) 'test' >>> str(formatter(six.b('test'))) 'test' ''' return self.format_unicode(value.decode('utf-8', 'replace'), depth, show_protected, show_special)
[docs] def format_unicode(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format a string :param value: a unicode value to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> original_max_length = formatter.MAX_LENGTH >>> formatter.MAX_LENGTH = 10 >>> str(formatter('x' * 11)) 'xxxxxxx...' >>> formatter.MAX_LENGTH = original_max_length ''' if value[self.MAX_LENGTH:]: value = value[:self.MAX_LENGTH - self.MAX_LENGTH_DOTS] value += self.MAX_LENGTH_DOTS * '.' return value
[docs] def format_list(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format a string :param value: a list to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> formatter(list(range(5))) '[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]' ''' values = [] for i, v in enumerate(value): values.append(self.format(v, depth - 1, show_protected, show_special)) return values
[docs] def format_datetime(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format a date :param value: a date to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> formatter(, 1, 2)) '<date:2000-01-02>' >>> formatter(datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) '<datetime:2000-01-02 03:04:05.000006>' ''' return '<%s:%s>' % ( value.__class__.__name__, value, )
[docs] def format_dict(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format a string :param value: a str value to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> formatter({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 5) '{a: 1, b: 2}' ''' def key(key): '''Make sure that hidden/protected variables end up at the end''' key = key[0] if 'a' <= key[0].lower() <= 'z' or '0' <= key[0] <= '9': return 0, key else: return 1, key output = [] for k, v in sorted(value.items(), key=key): output.append('%s: %s' % ( k, self(v, depth - 1, show_protected, show_special))) return '{%s}' % self.format_unicode( ', '.join(output), depth - 1, show_protected, show_special)
[docs] def format_model(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format a string :param value: a str value to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User >>> user = User() >>> del user.date_joined >>> str(formatter(user, 5, show_protected=False)[:30]) '<User {email: , first_name: , ' ''' return self.format_object(value, depth, False, False)
[docs] def format_object(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Format an object :param value: an object to format :param depth: the current depth :return: a formatted string >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> original_max_length = formatter.MAX_LENGTH >>> formatter.MAX_LENGTH = 50 >>> class Spam(object): ... x = 1 ... _y = 2 ... __z = 3 ... __hidden_ = 4 >>> spam = Spam() >>> str(formatter(spam, show_protected=True, show_special=True)) '<Spam {x: 1, _Spam__hidden_: 4, _Spam__z: 3, __dict__:...}>' >>> str(formatter(spam, show_protected=False, show_special=False)) '<Spam {x: 1}>' >>> formatter.MAX_LENGTH = original_max_length ''' dict_ = getattr(value, '__dict__', None) if dict_: dict_ = dict(dict_) else: dict_ = {} for k in dir(value): v = getattr(value, k, None) if v is not None and not hasattr(v, '__call__'): dict_[k] = v for k in list(dict_.keys()): if k.startswith('__'): if not show_special: dict_.pop(k) elif k.startswith('_') and not show_protected: dict_.pop(k) # Difference between Python 2 and 3, the results are covered by tests # regardless so the no cover is not important :) if hasattr(value, '__name__'): # pragma: no cover name = value.__name__ elif(hasattr(value, '__class__') and hasattr(value.__class__, '__name__')): # pragma: no cover name = value.__class__.__name__ else: # pragma: no cover module = __name__ name = str(value).replace(module + '.', '', 1) return '<%s %s>' % ( name, self.format(dict_, depth - 1, show_protected, show_special), )
[docs] def format(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special): '''Call the formatter with the given value to format and optional depth >>> formatter = Formatter() >>> class Eggs: pass >>> formatter(Eggs) '<Eggs {}>' ''' # Specific "is None" check since we don't want to replace 0 if depth is None: depth = self.max_depth elif depth <= 0: return self.format_unicode(six.text_type(value), depth - 1, show_protected, show_special) formatter = self.formatters_type.get(type(value)) if not formatter: for k, v in self.formatters_instance: if isinstance(value, k): formatter = v break if not formatter: formatter = Formatter.format_object return formatter(self, value, depth, show_protected, show_special)
def __call__(self, value, depth=None, show_protected=True, show_special=False): formatted = self.format(value, depth, show_protected, show_special) if not isinstance(formatted, six.string_types): formatted = pprint.pformat(formatted) return formatted
[docs]def debug(value, max_depth=3): '''Debug template filter to print variables in a pretty way >>> str(debug(123).strip()) '<pre style="border: 1px solid #fcc; background-color: #ccc;">123</pre>' ''' value = copy.deepcopy(value) formatter = Formatter(max_depth=max_depth) formatted_safe = mark_safe(''' <pre style="border: 1px solid #fcc; background-color: #ccc;">%s</pre> ''' % conditional_escape(formatter(value))) return formatted_safe